
From City Data Model Project Collaboratory
Revision as of 19:16, 9 August 2021 by Xuanni1 (talk | contribs)
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This class has been associated with the following pattern:

City Service, Pattern:City Service Pattern

Subclass Of


An English description of the definition (what distinguishes this sense of the term?).

Outcome’s “are what stakeholders experience as a result of a city Programs and/or Services. They can be positive or negative, intended or unintended.”Outcome contains the following properties:

  • hasBeneficialStakeholder: Identifies the Stakeholder affected.
  • hasIndicator: Identifies the set of Indicators the organization assigns to the Outcome.
  • schema:description: A general description of the Outcome as a string.
  • fromPerspectiveOf: Identifies the Stakeholder who is determining the importance of the Impact.
  • hasImportance: Specifies how important the Impact is (high, medium, low).
  • intendedImpact: Identifies the intended direction of the change.

Class Diagram Description

Required by Use Case(s)

(why is this specialized definition needed?)

CDM References

What other classes or properties reference this term?

Interface Specification References

This class has been associated with the following interface specification items:


Sources considered when developing the class:


Pending Approval

Has Subclass(es)


Annotation Value

Manchester Syntax Specification

Property Restriction Value
HasIndicator only Iso21972:Indicator
Schema:description exactly 1 xsd:string
HasBeneficialStakeholder exactly 1 Stakeholder
FromPerspectiveOf exactly 1 Stakeholder
HasImportance exactly 1 [[{ "high", "medium", "low"} ]]
IntendedImpact exactly 1 [[{ "positive", "negative", "neutral"}]]

Supplementary Figures

Figure Caption
Figure 1: Key relationships in the City Services Ontology.