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- 05:26, 25 July 2021 diff hist +385 PersonID
- 05:25, 25 July 2021 diff hist +1,858 Person
- 05:22, 25 July 2021 diff hist +1,148 N PhoneNumber Created page with "{{Class Definition |Description=Both Address and Phonenumber classes are designed to accommodate international versions. In addition to drawing from the iContact ontology, the..." current
- 05:20, 25 July 2021 diff hist +2,961 N ISO5087-2:Address Created page with "{{Class Definition |Description=Both Address and Phonenumber classes are designed to accommodate international versions. In addition to drawing from the iContact ontology, the..."
- 05:17, 25 July 2021 diff hist +259 N HasPhoneType Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasPhoneType property specifies the type of phonenumber, e.g., cell phone, home phone, etc. |Definition Status=Proposed..." current
- 05:17, 25 July 2021 diff hist +182 HasPhoneNumber
- 05:16, 25 July 2021 diff hist +226 N HasAreaCode Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The hasAreaCode property specifies the area code for the number. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Specification}} {..." current
- 05:16, 25 July 2021 diff hist +232 N HasCountryCode Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The hasCountryCode property specifies the country code for the number. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Specificati..." current
- 05:15, 25 July 2021 diff hist +226 N Wgs84:long Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The wgs84:long property specifies the longitude for the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Specification}} {..." current
- 05:15, 25 July 2021 diff hist +224 N Wgs84:lat Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The wgs84:lat property specifies the latitude for the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Specification}} {{P..." current
- 05:14, 25 July 2021 diff hist +273 N HasCountry Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasCountry property specifies the country for the address using ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 2 letter country code. |Definition St..." current
- 05:14, 25 July 2021 diff hist +237 N HasPostalCode Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The hasPostalCode property specifies the zip or postalcode for the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Specif..." current
- 05:14, 25 July 2021 diff hist +235 N HasProvince Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The hasProvince property specifies the state or province for the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Specific..." current
- 05:13, 25 July 2021 diff hist +232 N HasCity Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasCity property specifies the name of the city for the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Specificati..." current
- 05:13, 25 July 2021 diff hist +240 N HasCitySection Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The hasCitySection property specifies the section of the city for the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Spe..." current
- 05:13, 25 July 2021 diff hist +238 N HasBuilding Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The hasBuilding property specifies the name of the building for the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Speci..." current
- 05:12, 25 July 2021 diff hist +229 N HasPostalBox Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The hasPostalBox property specifies the box number for the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Specification}..." current
- 05:12, 25 July 2021 diff hist +240 N HasUnitNumber Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The hasUnitNumber property specifies the unite or suite number of the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Spe..." current
- 05:11, 25 July 2021 diff hist +268 N HasStreetDirection Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasStreetDirection property specifies the direction of the street for the address, e.g., east, west. |Definition Status=..." current
- 05:11, 25 July 2021 diff hist +259 N HasStreetType Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasStreetType property specifies the type of the street for the address, e.g., road, drive. |Definition Status=Proposed..." current
- 05:11, 25 July 2021 diff hist +234 N HasStreet Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The hasStreet property specifies the name of the street for the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Specifica..." current
- 04:49, 25 July 2021 diff hist +242 N HasStreetNumber Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The hasStreetNumber property specifies the number of the street for the address. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation S..." current
- 04:48, 25 July 2021 diff hist +240 N HasAddressType Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasAddressType property specifies the type of address, e.g., home, work. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Spe..." current
- 04:47, 25 July 2021 diff hist +571 N RevisionBylaw Created page with "{{Class Definition |Subclass Of=Bylaw |Description=An RevisionBylaw is a subclass of Bylaw and has the following additional properties: • schema:legislationChanges: The Byl..."
- 04:46, 25 July 2021 diff hist +572 N ISO5087-2:AmendingBylaw Created page with "{{Class Definition |Subclass Of=Bylaw |Description=An AmendingBylaw is a subclass of Bylaw and has the following additional properties: • schema:legislationChanges: The Byl..."
- 04:44, 25 July 2021 diff hist +403 N MainBylaw Created page with "{{Class Definition |Subclass Of=Bylaw |Description=A MainBylaw is a subclass of Bylaw and has the following additional properties: • schema:legislationType: value bylawMain..."
- 04:43, 25 July 2021 diff hist +1,054 N Schedule Created page with "{{Class Definition |Description=A Schedule is attached to the Bylaw and is part of the Bylaw. It has the following properties: • schema:identifier: Unique identifier/numbe..."
- 04:42, 25 July 2021 diff hist +1,320 N ISO5087-2:Clause Created page with "{{Class Definition |Description=A Clause is a statement of a rule, provision, requirement, etc. that is part of the body of the Bylaw, or its schedules, penalties, etc. It has..."
- 04:40, 25 July 2021 diff hist +656 N ISO5087-2:Definition Created page with "{{Class Definition |Description=A Definition concept that specifies the defined terms used in the Bylaw. It has the following properties: • schema:name: the formal term be..."
- 04:38, 25 July 2021 diff hist +4,292 N ISO5087-2:Bylaw Created page with "{{Class Definition |Description=The core concept of the Bylaw Ontology is Bylaw. Its properties decompose a Bylaw into conceptual relevant components that support linking wit..."
- 04:33, 25 July 2021 diff hist +247 N HasType Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=hasType: one of (severance or penalty or transition or repeal or schedule or bylaw) |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotat..." current
- 04:32, 25 July 2021 diff hist -1 Schema:identifier current
- 04:31, 25 July 2021 diff hist +269 N Schema:identifier Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=In Bylaw pattern, the property is an unique identifier/number for the clause/schedule. It is an xsd:string. |Definition Status..."
- 04:30, 25 July 2021 diff hist +148 Schema:description current
- 04:28, 25 July 2021 diff hist +152 Schema:name current
- 04:26, 25 July 2021 diff hist +245 N Schema:legislationChanges Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The schema:legislationChanges property specifies the Bylaw that is being amended. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotatio..." current
- 04:25, 25 July 2021 diff hist +305 N HasSchedule Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasSchedule property specifies schedules that are attached to the Bylaw and are referenced by the Bylaw. A Schedule is p..." current
- 04:25, 25 July 2021 diff hist +339 N HasRepealClause Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasRepealClause property specifies clauses that specify all previous bylaws that deal with subjects that are addressed i..." current
- 04:24, 25 July 2021 diff hist +328 N HasTransitionClause Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasTransitionClause property specifies clauses that cover the period during which entities affected by the bylaw can do..." current
- 04:24, 25 July 2021 diff hist +332 N HasSeveranceClause Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasSeveranceClause property specifies clauses that specify that the bylaw remains valid if any portion of the bylaw is f..." current
- 04:23, 25 July 2021 diff hist +265 N HasPenaltyClause Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasPenaltyClause property specifies clauses that specify penalties for not adhering to the Bylaw. |Definition Status=Pro..." current
- 04:22, 25 July 2021 diff hist +263 N HasClause Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The hasClause property identifies clauses that make up the body of the Bylaw. Restricted to Clause. |Definition Status=Propo..." current
- 04:21, 25 July 2021 diff hist +228 N Schema:expires Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The schema:expires property identifies the date the Bylaw expires. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation Specification}}..." current
- 04:21, 25 July 2021 diff hist +243 N DateInEffect Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The dateInEffect property identifies the date after which the Bylaw is in effect. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Annotation..." current
- 04:20, 25 July 2021 diff hist +250 N Schema:datePublished Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The schema:datePublished property identifies the date the Bylaw is officially published. |Definition Status=Proposed }} {{Anno..." current
- 04:20, 25 July 2021 diff hist +315 N Schema:legislationDate Created page with "{{Data Property Definition |Property Description=The schema:legislationDate property identifies the date which the Bylaw is officially adopted/signed by the legislationJurisdi..." current
- 04:19, 25 July 2021 diff hist +322 N Impacts Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The impacts property identifies who and/or what is impacted by the Bylaw. Restricted to Person, Organization, LandArea, Cit..." current
- 04:19, 25 July 2021 diff hist +296 N HasDefinition Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=Words or phrases that are defined to have a specific meaning within the context of the Bylaw. The range is restricted to Def..." current
- 04:18, 25 July 2021 diff hist +292 N Schema:legislationLegalForce Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The schema:legislationLegalForce property specifies whether the Bylaw is currently in force, not in force or partially in fo..." current
- 04:18, 25 July 2021 diff hist +282 N Schema:legislationType Created page with "{{Object Property Definition |Property Description=The schema:legislationType property specifies the type of bylaw chosen from bylawMain, bylawAmending or bylawRevision. |Defi..." current