
From City Data Model Project Collaboratory
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This class has been associated with the following pattern:

Pattern:Contract Pattern

Subclass Of


An English description of the definition (what distinguishes this sense of the term?).

A contract is a legal document that specifies some agreement(s) between two or more parties. The aim of the Contract Ontology is not to formalize the semantics of all possible involved legal concepts, but rather to enable to representation of the general structure and contents of a particular contract. The Contract Ontology adopts the definition of Contract specified in the Financial Business Ontology (FIBO) [8] specified at: with a key modification that a Contract is defined as a type of Document and is distinct from an Agreement (not a subclass, as specified in FIBO).

Class Diagram Description

Required by Use Case(s)

(why is this specialized definition needed?)

CDM References

What other classes or properties reference this term?

Interface Specification References

This class has been associated with the following interface specification items:


Sources considered when developing the class:


Pending Approval

Has Subclass(es)


Annotation Value

Manchester Syntax Specification

Property Restriction Value
specifiesAgreement some Agreement
hasParty min 2 (Person or Organization)
hasSignatory min 2 Person
hasContractualElement some ContractualElement
isValidFor only Interval
isExecutedOn only TemporalEntity

Supplementary Figures

Figure Caption