Pattern:5087 Parking

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An English description of the definition (what distinguishes this sense of the term?).

The representation of parking facilities is important for studies considering travel activities as parking often contributes to the route and modes chosen to journey to a particular destination. Various aspects of parking are addressed in the pattern; beyond the location of a parking facility, the pattern captures concepts related to its policies such as a price and/or allowable periods. The pattern also uses the Mereology pattern in order to describe a decomposition of parking facilities into parking areas. This is needed in order to capture cases where groups of parking spaces may have different policies within the same lot. Some studies may also require a representation of parking areas at an individual level in order to capture parking use and availability.

Key Concepts and Classes

ParkingArea: Parking Area refers to some area that enables parking of Vehicles. A Parking Area may contain sub-Parking Areas, the area of which may change. A Parking Area has some Parking Policy A Parking Area may provide car charging stations. A Parking Area has some Location. A Parking Area has some vacancy (or occupancy) at some point in time. A Parking Area may have some hours of operation. A Parking Area may have some limit on the dimensions of allowed vehicles (height/width/length) It may have associated location information (e.g. nearby crossroads, landmark, etc). Different types (subclasses) of Parking Area may be defined as required, such as Street Parking Area, Lot Parking Area, Garage Parking Area, Illegal Parking Area, Loading/Unloading Zone Parking Area, etc. Parking Area is a subclass of Manifestation and has the following properties:

  • hasAddress: specifies the street address of the ParkingArea.
  • hasLocation: specifies the geospatial area of the ParkingArea.
  • hasAssociatedLocation: specifies locations near to the ParkingArea.
  • maxAdmittableHeight: specifies the maximum height of vehicles that can enter the ParkingArea.
  • maxAdmittableWidth: specifies the maximum width of vehicles that can enter the ParkingArea.
  • maxAdmittableLength: specifies the maximum length of vehicles that can enter the ParkingArea.
  • hasSubParkingArea: specifies a sub ParkingArea within the ParkingArea.
  • hasVehicleCapacity: specifies the maximum number of vehicles the ParkingArea can hold.
  • hasParkingPolicy: specifies the policies that govern the use of the ParkingArea. It can have multiple policies. For example, one policy for day parking, another for night and another for weekends.
  • hasChargingStations: specifies the number of Electric Vehicle charging stations in the ParkingArea.
  • ownedBy: specifies the owner of the ParkingArea.
  • occupiedBy: specifies the Vehicles that currently occupy the ParkingArea.
  • isOpen: specifies whether the ParkingArea is currently open.
  • hasParkingService: specifies whether the ParkingArea provides ParkingService’s.
  • parkingAllocatedTo: specifies whether parking is allocated to specific Organizations, Persons, etc.

Parking Facility: A Parking Facility is a parking area that is not contained by any other parking area. A Parking Facility may be owned by some organization and have some hours of operation; it may have a name, contact phone number, address, and possibly an associated website. ParkingFacility is a subclass of ParkingArea and has the following properties:

  • subParkingAreaOf: specifies that the ParkingFacility does not have any sub-parking areas.
  • hasName: specifies the name of the ParkingFacility.
  • hasWebsite: specifies the URI for the ParkingFacility.
  • hasAddress: specifies the street address of the ParkingFacility.
  • hasOperatingHours: specifies the hours of operation of the ParkingFacility.
  • hasTelephone: specifies the telephone number of the ParkingFacility.

ParkingSpace: A ParkingSpace is a ParkingArea with the capacity for a single vehicle. (hasCapacity 1, hasVacancy 0 or 1). Specializations of parking space may be defined based on accommodated vehicle type (e.g. small vehicles, commercial vehicles, electric vehicle, etc.). A ParkingSpace may or may not be occupied by some vehicle at a particular point in time. If a space is occupied, its availability may be determined (or approximated) based on the scheduled/purchased time by its current occupant. ParkingSpace is a subclass of ParkingArea and has the following properties:

  • hasVehicleCapacity: limits the maximum number of vehicles in the space to 1.
  • isOccupied: specifies the whether the space is currently occupied.
  • occupiedBy: specifies the vehicle in the space if occupied.
  • hasParkingPolicy: specifies any policy that governs use of the space.

AccessibleParkingSpace: A type of parking space reserved for users with disabilities. AccessibleParkingSpace is a subclass of ParkingSpace and has the following property:

  • hasParkingPolicy: restricts value to AccessibleParkingPolicy

EVSpace: A type of parking space that provides access to some EV Charger(s). EVSpace is a subclass of ParkingSpace and has the following properties:

  • hasParkingPolicy: restricts value to EVParkingPolicy.
  • hasEVCharger: specifies the type of charger for the space.

EVCharger: A charger for electric vehicles is an amenity which may be provided by some parking spaces. An EV charger has some model and is capable of charging certain classes of vehicles. An EV charger may be available or unavailable at a given time. This availability may be predetermined based on the scheduled duration of a vehicle’s occupancy, and the time left to charge the vehicle. The EVcharger has the following properties:

  • hasManufacturer: specifies the manufacturer of the charger.
  • hasModelNumber: specifies the model of the charger.
  • isOccupied: specifies the time intervals it is occupied.

ParkingPolicy: A ParkingPolicy dictates under what terms some ParkingArea is accessible for parking. A ParkingPolicy may have a ParkingRate. A ParkingPolicy may have a max duration. A ParkingPolicy applies during a specified hours of operation (these periods must be during the hours of operation of the parking area). A ParkingPolicy may apply only to a particular class of users. Different sorts of parking policies (subclasses) may be defined: e.g. free parking, policies for EVs, persons with accessibility needs. A ParkingPolicy has the following properties:

  • hasParkingRate: specifies a ParkingRate for the ParkingSpace during its hours of operation.
  • maxDuration: specifies a maximum duration for the use of the ParkingSpace.
  • appliesDuring: specifies hours of operation that the policy is in force.
  • appliesTo: specifies an optional Person the policy applies to.
  • appliesFor: specifies an optional Vehicle the policy applies to.
  • hasGracePeriod: specifies a time duration for which the policy may not be enforced. For example, if someone parks in a restricted space for less than the grace period, a fine may not be given.
  • excludesPublicHoliday: specifies a Boolean which is true if the policy is not enforced during public holidays.

ParkingRate: A ParkingRate has a monetary value and an associated duration within the ParkingPolicy hours of operation. A ParkingRate has a ParkingPaymentMethod (e.g. mobile, license plate entry, cashier, meter). A ParkingRate may have some minimum charge, specified as either a monetary value or duration (e.g. regardless of the time parked, the customer will be charged at least $5, or the rate will be applied for at least 30 min). A maximum cost may also be specified; for example, the rate may be $5 per hour, with a maximum of $20 to park for the remainder of the policy’s hours of operation. It is not always the case that the maximum cost coincides with the maximum time-based rate of the hours parked. A ParkingRate has the following properties:

  • hasMonetaryCost: specifies the amount charged for the duration. For example, $5.
  • forDuration: specifies the duration associated with the monetary cost. For example, 1 hour.
  • hasPayment: specifies the payment method.
  • minParkingCharge: specifies the minimum charge for any portion of the duration.
  • maxParkingCost: specifies a maximum cost generated by the rate during the ParkingPolicy operating hours.

ParkingService: A ParkingService defines services provided within a ParkingFacility. These services have hours of operation, and who the provider of the service is. Note that the provider may be a third party. ParkingService is a subclass of Activity and has the following properties:

  • hasOperatingHours: specifies the hours of operation of the service.
  • performedBy: specifies the Person or Organization providing/performing the service.

Has Class(es)


Pending Approval

Supplementary Figures

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