Pattern:Contact Pattern

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An English description of the definition (what distinguishes this sense of the term?).

Contact information is relevant for a range of concepts in the city domain. For example, a building can have some associated address, similarly a person or an organization can have some contact address (or phone number, email address, and so on). Note that a person’s contact address can differ from their place of residence. Rather than define these attributes separately for persons, organizations, and so on, it makes sense to capture the general concepts associated with contact information in a separate pattern. The iContact ontology, accessed at, is the basis of the core concepts and properties identified as necessary to define this type of information.

Key Concepts and Classes

Both Address and PhoneNumber classes are designed to accommodate international versions. In addition to drawing from the iContact ontology, the pattern reuses concepts from the Spatial Location Pattern (defined in ISO/IEC 5087-1) to associate an address with a location. The Address Class has the following properties: • hasAddressType: Specifies the type of address, e.g., home, work. • hasStreetNumber: Specifies the number of the street for the address. • hasStreet: Specifies the name of the street for the address. • hasStreetType: Specifies the type of the street for the address, e.g., road, drive. • hasStreetDirection: Specifies the direction of the street for the address, e.g., east, west. • hasUnitNumber: Specifies the unite or suite number of the address. • hasPostalBox: Specifies the box number for the address. • hasBuilding: Specifies the name of the building for the address. • hasCitySection: Specifies the section of the city for the address. • hasCity: Specifies the name of the city for the address. • hasProvince Specifies the state or province for the address. • hasPostalCode: Specifies the zip or postalcode for the address. • hasCountry: Specifies the country for the address using ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 2 letter country code. • spatialloc:hasLocation: Specifies a placename (e.g., and geometry for the address. • wgs84:lat: Specifies the latitude for the address. • wgs84:long: Specifies the longitude for the address. The PhoneNumber class has the following properties: • hasCountryCode: Specifies the country code for the number. • hasAreaCode: Specifies the area code for the number. • hasPhoneNumber: Specifies the remaining digits of the number after the area code. • hasPhoneType: Specifies the type of phone number, e.g., cell phone, home phone, etc.

Has Class(es)

Address, PhoneNumber


Pending Approval

Supplementary Figures

Figure Caption