Pattern:Extended Organization Pattern

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An English description of the definition (what distinguishes this sense of the term?).

Organizations provide another source of influence on the behaviour in the urban system. An organization is defined broadly as a formal or semi-formal groups for which structure and behaviour are defined. Organizations such as schools and businesses are particularly important for cities as they determine regular travel patterns and other activities for much of the population. The Organization Pattern is drawn from the TOVE model of an Organization, originally presented in [7]. In particular, definitions of the concepts of Organization, Organization Agent, Role, and Goal are adopted here. In addition, the Organization Pattern introduces the concepts of Students and Employees who are members of certain types of Organizations. Using the Spatial Location Pattern, the Organization Pattern captures the location of a person's work or school. The Change Pattern is used to support the representation of variable attributes of an organization, such as its location and members.

Key Concepts and Classes

The Organization class extends org_s:Organization to include city specific properties. • Organization: A company or other sort of formal or informal group of individuals in the urban system with some identified structure and behaviour. o An Organization may own Property, including different types of Buildings. o An Organization may have an address. o An Organization has at least 2 members. o An Organization has some Goal(s); this represents some state or complex states, and allows for the representation of various groups' responsibilities. o An Organization may be divided into sub-organizations which are themselves Organizations. • Organization Agent: Members of an organization. o Organization Agents have goals, authority, and may be members of some team. o An Organization Agent plays a Role within the Organization. • Role: A Role has a single (possibly complex) Goal. A Role has some authority, requires some skill, and may also have some associated processes. • Firm: A Firm is a type of organization. o A Firm has an address and an industry type, and some Employees. o A Firm may have a Business Establishment(s). • Business Establishment: A Business establishment is a physical location where a Firm conducts business. o A Business Establishment has a Location and may have an address. • Employee: A Firm has some Employees, whom it employs for some Occupation. o An Employee is a type of Organization Agent. o An Employee may be employed at a particular Business Establishment. o An Employee may be responsible for one or more Roles within the Organization. o An Employee is employed by some Organization, unless the Person is self-employed. o An Employee has a Wage/Salary and may work at some Location (this may be the location of the Firm, an alternate Location, or a Location that is subject to change). o An employee has some employment status. An employment status may be categorized as one of: full-time regular, part-time regular, full-time-work-at-home, part-time-work-at-home • Occupation: An occupation describes the type of work performed by some employee. Different classes of occupations may be defined, such as: General Office / Clerical, Manufacturing / Construction / Trades, Professional / Management / Technical, Retail Sales and Service OperatingHours class specifies the operating hours of an organization. It uses the Recurring Event Pattern (defined in ISO/IEC 5087-1) to introduce a more specific definition of hours of operation as a specialization of a RecurringEvent. o dayofWeek: specifies the day of the week for this instance of OperatingHours. o hasOpeningTime: specifies the opening time for this instance of OperatingHours. o hasClosingTime: specifies the closing time for this instance of OperatingHours.

Has Class(es)


Pending Approval

Supplementary Figures

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