
From City Data Model Project Collaboratory
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This class has been associated with the following pattern:

Pattern:Activity Pattern, Pattern:City Service Pattern, Pattern:Provenance Pattern, Pattern:Recurring Event Pattern, Pattern:Resource Pattern, Ptest3

Subclass Of


An English description of the definition (what distinguishes this sense of the term?).

An Activity describes something that occurs in the domain. An Activity may be further defined by (decomposed into) Subactivities. An Activity may have precondition and/or effect State. An Activity may be enabled by or cause some State. An enabling of causing state is a generalization of a precondition/effect; an Activity is enabled by or causes some State if it has a subactivity with a precondition or effect (respectively) of that State. In other words, the state may not be required directly before, or cause directly after the activity, but by some more specialized sub-activity. An Activity occurs at some point in time and space. An Activity takes place during some interval, and so has some duration. An Activity may have some Manifestations that participate in it. An Activity is something that acts on Entities (such as consuming or transforming them).

Class Diagram Description

An activity cluster provides a basic structure for representing activity specifications. Illustrated in Figure 1, it consists of an activity connected to an enabling and caused state, each of which may be a state tree that defines complex states via decomposition into conjunctions and disjunctions of states.

Figure 2 illustrates the use of the Activity Ontology to describe a class of objects that should be identified as “Drive to Work” activities, where the effect of such an activity is a Conjunctive state. The conjunctive state is decomposed into two terminal states, meaning that it should be interpreted as a state where both sub-states (DriverAtWork and CarAtWork) are true.

Required by Use Case(s)

(why is this specialized definition needed?)

Finding, Reserving, and Paying for Parking

CDM References

What other classes or properties reference this term?

Interface Specification References

This class has been associated with the following interface specification items:


Sources considered when developing the class:


Pending Approval

Has Subclass(es)


Annotation Value

Manchester Syntax Specification

Property Restriction Value
HasStatus exactly 1 ActivityStatus
HasSubactivity only Activity
HasPrecondition only State
EnabledBy only State
HasEffect only State
Causes only State
ScheduledFor exactly 1 Time:Interval
occursAt some Time:Interval
BeginOf some Time:Instant
EndOf some Time:Instant
OccursBefore only Activity
OccursDirectlyBefore only Activity
HasLocation only Loc:Feature
Prov:used only Entity
Prov:wasAssociatedWith only Agent

Supplementary Figures

Figure Caption
Figure 1: A generic activity cluster.
Figure 2: Example use of the Activity Ontology.
Figure 3: The Provenance Ontology main classes and properties